2 Hours to Save the King - Versailles
A plot to uncover in the city or in the grove of the Palace - Versailles
1679 : We are in the midst of the poisons affair, one of the biggest criminal cases in French history. Louis XIV learns with amazement that a large part of the court of Versailles is involved. He will be the victim of an assassination attempt.
Gabriel Nicolas de la Reynie, first lieutenant general of police who notably invented public lighting and who is at the origin of the term "police commissioner" is in charge of the investigation. Despite his tenacity, the sponsor has never been unmasked!
Eight suspects among the biggest names in the kingdom: Françoise-Athénaïs de Mortemart de Rochechouart de Montespan, Philippe d'Orléans, Madame de Sévigné, the iron mask, the Prince of Condé, Olympe Mancini, Antonin de Lauzun, the great Mademoiselle.
Eight centuries later, it is up to you to finally establish the truth.
City of Versailles
(quartier Saint-Louis)
Individuals: 25 €
Team Building: 35 €
(Privatization of the investigation with your dedicated investigator-trainer)
Available in English
If you have a promotional code: Insert it at the 3rd step of your order.
What will happen during your scavenger hunt:
Duration of the game: 2 hours
You will be welcomed by you dedicated instructor-investigator, he/she will introduce the story, give you all the documents you will need to start your inquiry and make the teams.
Search for clues and solve the riddles.
End of the game: Explanations and announcement of the winning team by your investigator-trainer.
Meeting Point: under Louis XIV's statue, 1 place d'arme, in front of the Palace of Versailles.
Available in english and in french - Specify when booking
Your contact on this investigation:
Arthur ( arthur@mysteries-hunt.com)
Native of Versailles and passionate about its history, working in historical tourism for 5 years, I will guide you on this game in order to give you every chance to succeed! We will meet again at the end of this affair for an ultimate taste test/surprise.
Here is my France Bleu interview from June 2022 on this dark affair! :
Castle's Park
(Ticket for the Musical Fountain Show (10€) included)
Individuals: 35 €
Team Building: 45 €
(Privatization of the investigation with your dedicated investigator-trainer)
Available in English
If you have a promotional code:
Insert it at the 3rd step of your order.
Our engraving gallery:
En 1668, Louis XIV s'intéressa à l'agrandissement du domaine de Versailles et acheta les terres de Trianon où, en 1670, Le Vau édifia une "maison de porcelaine, le roi y fit plusieurs réceptions. Après détérioration, il fut remplacé par le Trianon de marbre.
C'est la première construction commandée par la reine Marie-Antoinette pour ses jardins de Trianon en 1778.
La Grotte de Thétys était située à l'emplacement de l'actuelle chapelle. Elle fut construite à partir de 1664 et demanda Dix ans de travaux, mais disparut dès 1684 lors de la construction de l'Aile Nord. Le bâtiment avait la forme d'un cube qui supportait un réservoir d'eau. La façade était ornée de trois grandes arcades fermées par des grilles de fer forgé décorées du soleil rayonnant.
En 1668, Louis XIV s'intéressa à l'agrandissement du domaine de Versailles et acheta les terres de Trianon où, en 1670, Le Vau édifia une "maison de porcelaine, le roi y fit plusieurs réceptions. Après détérioration, il fut remplacé par le Trianon de marbre.
Our most radiant congratulations to the entire Jérôme team from Bouygues Telecom.
A perfect score in record time!
Best team of investigators since October 12, 2023
24 hours before the experience, if the client deems the weather or health circumstances unfavorable, he/she can, on a simple request by email or telephone, cancel and be reimbursed in full.