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Who are we ?

Created in 2015 on the initiative of Cyril, Mysteries Hunt has become over the years a collective of friends passionate about History and games.

Our goal is to help you discover the well-hidden secrets of Paris and Versailles through treasure hunts, escape games and fun (as well as historical!) treasure hunts.

The first game to come out of Cyril's crazy mind was The Last Secret of Saint Louis Island in 2015, followed the following year by 2 hours to Save the King in Versailles (his “fiefdom” as he likes to call it).

In 2017, after a crowdfunding having attracted hundreds of people, "L'Inconnue de la Seine" comes out and becomes the very 1st VR game from Paris.

It seems that even today, the inhabitants of the Island believe they see Anaïs, "the Lady in Blue" appear furtively on the quays...

Well infiltrated thanks to his career as a teacher, Cyril knows how to lure students and this is how Chloé joined the team in 2018, imposing her vision (sometimes strange we won't lie to you) of escape games. This is how The Secret of Montmartre was born in 2019, making Montmartre tremble because it reveals a mystery hidden in the neighborhood since the French Revolution.

In 2020, in the middle of a pandemic (let's not forget!), Cyril and Baptiste decide to make the crazy bet of a guided walk of the secret places of the French Revolution... in Versailles! Despite the cold sweats of the other members of the team, the public was there and the Revolution Tour an immediate success!

In April 2021 is released "Le Complot de l'Oeillet : 2 heures pour sauver Marie-Antoinette". Following an original idea from Johanna, Madame Déficit's modern alter ego, she and Chloé imagined a cultural walk with a hint of treasure hunt where you will have to do everything to save the Queen from her disastrous fate.

As part of the “summer quarters” initiated by the department of Yvelines, Arthur joins the team in June 2021 to develop V-Lanta and a Giant Cluedo in the estate of Madame Elisabeth, he is now the flamboyant host of the investigations in Versailles.

Johanna is making her comeback in 2022 with her game Le Trésor de France, an escape game on the Champs-Elysées following the treasure of the Kings of France stolen during the French Revolution! From players' memory, this game is certainly the hardest presented on the site!

For the rare people who have read this entire page,thank you to be interested in the creators behind the games you have/are going to test.

As you had the chance to see, Mysteries Hunt is above all a collective of friends brought together by a common passion for History and the desire to share it with as many people as possible in a fun and accessible way.  

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